Monday, April 11, 2022

Student Records, Training, and Security



Who? How? Where?

Great questions to ask about all the student data that has to be input, stored, and protected in schools today. 

As the education system has moved to electronic records and data storage, some schools have had to make decisions about who, how, and where all the data will be stored. The best way to do all those things easily is to use a student information system (SIS). This varies in schools, districts, and states immensely. There are many SISs to choose from. Some schools may have the choice to use what they think is best, while others may have to use whatever their district office decides on. Others may be required to use a system that the whole state has established. 

I know that in my district we have to use the state's choice of SIS. I feel like that is a good decision because some students may move schools and this helps with transferring records. We also had a recent change in SIS programs within the last year. The state adopted a completely different SIS that is more widely used. The program does have a lot to offer with the connections between regular student data (grades, family information, courses taken) and things, such as Special Education records. 

As with most changes though, the training was very little or completely non-existent. We switch over to PowerSchool and have the added Special Programs side for Special Education records also. I can usually teach myself a lot of software and programs, but some others cannot. I feel like a lot of people rely on me to teach them because they know I do have a degree in technology. It always goes back to lack of training. It seems to be stuck on repeat. 



This also included teaching myself how to use the Special Programs software as well, since I am a Special Education teacher. I do have a lot of "rights" within PowerSchool that some teachers do not because I am Special Education. This gives me a lot to learn. I do enjoy being able to have all the information so easily combined. It is limited for our General Education teachers, as they do not have the access to view student Individualized Education Programs (IEPs). Maybe as our district continues to roll out updates, they will be able to view them for themselves. 

As a technology leader in my department, I am constantly helping others with the new program and updates. It is a lot to learn and if you are not particularly computer savvy, it can be daunting. It would normally be the job of a technology coordinator to train others, but honestly everyone is still learning it and there has been very little training implemented. Especially with the Special Programs side of the SIS, those that would normally train probably have never used it. It is not something that would be accessible to them because they are not Special Education teachers. 

Below is a quick review given by a teacher about PowerSchool. My opinion of PowerSchool is very good at the moment. It runs smoother than our old SIS, and has less back and forth to switch between features.


While PowerSchool is working for our district's needs, we also have to make sure that the data is safe from breeches.  Klose et. al says, "Each type of data can be harmful if disclosed in particular contexts, even if all personally identifiable information is removed" (p. 451). They go on to say, "Any EdTech data breach or unjustified student tracking infringes student privacy, generates huge controversy, and produces big headlines" (p. 451). We must take all the proper precautions and ensure that student information is protected. Each school or district should have a plan for the possibility of breech. 

Frazier, M., & Hearrington, D. (2017). The Technology Coordinator's handbook. International Society for Technology in Education.

Klose, M., Desai, V., Song, Y., & Gehringer, E. (2020). EDM and Privacy: Ethics and Legalities of Data Collection, Usage, and Storage. International Educational Data Mining Society.

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Student Records, Training, and Security

                      via GIPHY Who? How? Where? Great questions to ask about all the student data that has to be input, stored, and protect...