Tuesday, March 15, 2022

How can schools utilize funds to get the most out of it?



That's what we are talking about here. Public schools get a lot of money to spend each year. A lot of this money is in the form of grants. The problem is that someone has to decide how to spend it while also making sure to follow guidelines laid out by the district or state. This is not an easy job and it may need to be a team effort. Making these decisions needs to be considered carefully with a well thought-out plan. 

There are two basic types of grants that are available: entitlement grants and competitive grants. Entitlement grants include Title I, Title VI, and Eisenhower funds. Schools that qualify for Title I grants must have high numbers of low-income families. The best thing about these grants is that there are so many options of how the money can be used. Each school can use these funds to purchase supplies, instructional materials, programs, and technology. 

Technology is one of the best investments to make using entitlement grants. So many students in low-income schools would never have access to certain technology. It is important that we are able to provide opportunities for these students to learn how to use technology if we want to prepare them for the best possible future outcomes. Title I funding must use some of the funds to create opportunities for parental involvement. The video below is a brief description of examples of how families can become involved with schools through Title I engagements.


With competitive grants, schools must provide a proposal to compete for funding with other schools. These grants are awarded using criteria of organizations that provide the funding. This could be used for specific projects that cannot be funded through other means.

The main point here is that schools are funded from many sources, we just have to allocate them in the best way. It is the responsibility of the school to do the research on what those ways are. As a future leader in my own school, I have many ideas that would help improve student learning, teacher preparedness, and family involvement. I would love for these funds to provide students with some opportunities to be involved in new clubs and organizations that focus on using technology in ways that they do not do in the classrooms. Even to offer new courses that could teach students real world uses and problem solving with technology. Students today think they know everything about technology but most of them only know cell phones and how to use those apps. They need to be learning real computer skills that will prepare them for jobs when they graduate. Some students may not attend college and need to have those opportunities in K-12 schools, so they can be successful in the future. I hope that I will be able to have my ideas heard or implemented someday. 


Frazier, M., & Hearrington, D. (2017). The Technology Coordinator's handbook. International Society for Technology in Education.

YouTube video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eYaJRFQzH1w

Education Week. (2021, June 7). The Every Student Succeeds Act: Explained. Education Week. Retrieved March 15, 2022, from https://www.edweek.org/policy-politics/the-every-student-succeeds-act-explained/2015/12


  1. The method used to determine how resources reach students in schools has a significant impact on whether expenditures are equitable, so it’s critical for school communities to critically evaluate different allocation methods and choose a formula that best meets the needs of the local student population (Gartner, 2021). School districts are all different sizes and some of the have schools that receive Title 1 funds while others do not.

    When we stop and think about how to spend funds we should make sure we are looking at the items we already have and what are the needs of the teachers, students, and schools. One thing I have noticed for the district where I work is out technology coordinator actually we ask the tech assistants to make a list of needs for their school. That does not mean we will get all of the needed items, but it is nice to know we have our needs known.

    Since March 2020 when the pandemic hit school systems were given ESSER funds to help with needs to make our students successful. However, we all know that these funds will not last forever, so the monies need to be spent wisely. Systems that shops with a suppose in mind will have more success with effective purchases.



    Kennedy, L. (n.d.). 6 Actionable Ways to Use School Funding More Efficiently. Prodigy. Retrieved March 16, 2022, from https://www.prodigygame.com/main-en/blog/school-funding/

  2. The way in which funds are spent is a critical decision and one that should have a great deal of thought. There are so many useful tools and resources that go unused because teachers aren't prepared or trained on how to use them. This is a major issue in many of the Title I schools I serve. They have received so much extra technology that it ends up going waste and collecting dust. I have also experienced first hand technology being purchased in a rushed manner simply because there are leftover funds that must be spent. PD should be at the forefront when planning technology purchases because teachers need to be invested in these tools in order to benefit their students (Insight Education Group, 2022).

    Insight Education Group. (2022). Professional learning community model: Supporting teacher effectiveness project (STEP). Retrieved March 2, 2022, from https://www.insighteducationgroup.com/plc-supporting-teacher-effectiveness-project


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